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8 signs your home needs a gutter upgrade

Learn how you can tell when it’s time for new gutters for your home

When was the last time you thoroughly inspected your gutters? Chances are, the last time you looked at them in depth was when you had them installed.

Gutters may not be something on the top of your mind at times, but they’re certainly above it. And like every other part of your home, they require regular maintenance. If left ignored, your gutters can deteriorate and cause water to wreak havoc on your roof, or worse, the very foundation of your home.

As qualified gutter installers with over 20 years of experience installing and maintaining gutters in Central Florida, we recommend you inspect your gutters at least every six months. If you notice any of these issues, it may be time to consider a gutter upgrade.


#1: Cracks and splits

Cracks on your gutters defeat the purpose of having them in the first place! While smaller cracks can be easily repaired, bigger cracks need urgent attention—and potentially a gutter replacement.


Florida’s humidity and heavy rainfall can magnify the damage caused by these cracks. If you notice any crack, large or small, contact a qualified professional as soon as possible.


#2: Paint that’s chipping or peeling

The paint on your gutter is designed to withstand extreme weather conditions, so typical seasonal wear and tear shouldn’t cause any paint erosion. If you see chipping or peeling paint, it’s an indication that your gutters are getting old, and it might be a good idea to replace them now before they begin to deteriorate further.


#3: Rusty or stained gutters

If your gutters are spotted with rust, you definitely need to consider a gutter upgrade. Rust can be an indication that water is not draining properly. Before long, that rust may create holes in your gutters and begin to cause bigger problems for your home.


Have you spotted some stains on your gutters? Stains on or around your gutters can indicate that water is escaping. This is bad news for other parts of your home: unwanted runoff like this can damage your fascia board or your soffit, and even your home’s foundation.


#4: Mold or mildew

If you discover mold or mildew during your inspection, it could be because of a clog in your gutters. Mildew is grey or white and is mostly harmless, whereas mold is black, has a musty smell and can be very harmful to your health. Mildew can usually be removed with a thorough cleaning. If you find hazardous mold, we recommend you hire a professional who can advise you how to remove it and whether the affected parts of your gutter need replacing.


#5: Gutter connections coming loose

Gutters need to stay connected to your roof in order to function properly. Sections that are coming apart from one another need to be repositioned or replaced.


#6: Sagging gutters

If you spot parts of your gutter sagging from the eaves of your home, don’t wait around! Sagging is a sure sign of a serious drainage issue, caused by backed up water or trapped debris, and it needs immediate attention.


#7: Flooding in your yard

Gutters are designed to direct water flow away from your home, not near it. If your gutter is dumping water straight over the edge of your roof onto the ground, you probably have a blockage.


If you live in an area with a lot of falling leaves, we recommend you upgrade your gutter system to one with a built-in debris guard. A qualified gutter installer can recommend the best type of gutter for your home’s situation.


#8: Your gutters are over 20 years old

The lifespan of galvanized steel or aluminum gutters is around 20 years, while copper can last as long as 50 years. Regular maintenance can help your gutters last longer, but be aware that Florida’s weather conditions will cause them to wear out earlier. If your gutters are older, check them once a month and consider replacing them as soon as signs of age start to show.    


Did you spot any of these signs?

Contact a qualified gutter installation and maintenance company as soon as possible to understand your options when it comes to repair or upgrade.


At Moreno & Moreno, we’re experts at installing and maintaining seamless gutter systems. We use only the highest quality materials to give you the best protection for your home, and many installations can be completed the same day. You can see our completed projects here.


Interested in a gutter upgrade? Contact us or call us at 407.300.4500 for your free estimate.