We’re Serious About Safety
Keeping Our Workers and Your Family Safe
At Moreno & Moreno, we believe in the importance of protecting our workers and your family during all projects. Our employees are fully trained to work with the equipment necessary to get the job done. But because of the dangerous nature of these tools, we take precautionary measures to create a safe and injury-free working environment. In order to keep everyone involved safe, here’s what to look for in a contractor:
Finding a credible contractor can help ensure that all involved individuals are never put in danger in the working environment. The more reliable a contractor is, the safer the work that they do is, and the safer the end result in your home is. Credible contractors are properly licensed and are, therefore, legally obligated to follow safety precautions to protect their workers and everyone around the worksite. These contractors are also appropriately insured, protecting your assets, in case of a contractor’s work related injury.
However, homeowners and builders must ensure that their contractor’s licenses are up-to-date to avoid any legal restrictions or contract issues. Although homeowners may not know how to find credible contractors, some contractors, including Moreno & Moreno, partner with home builders that work on multiple property projects. These builders are fully responsible for hiring the best and most reliable contractors to work alongside them, and therefore must do extensive research and checks on these companies. This helps homeowners keep their home safe by weaving out the most credible contractors from the masses.
Communication with Other Home Workers
When a home is being built or remodeled, a lot of work goes into helping it become a functioning and safe place to live. We know that other contracted companies, including landscapers and painters, may be working on or around the house at the same time as our workers. Communication between the workers is vital to keep the working environment safe for all involved individuals and to ensure that the project is completed with high quality work, in an efficient manner. For this reason, we always communicate with the other workers to ensure that all jobs run smoothly and safely.
Safety Training
Training workers in the basics of safety is key to preventing dangerous mishaps in the workplace. Well trained employees work together to protect their fellow workers, other contractors, and the residents of the home. At Moreno & Moreno, we participate in extensive training programs, which are compliant with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) safety requirements. Our subcontractors go through these training programs to engulf themselves in safe practices, so that they can maintain a safe working environment.
Revisit Safety Procedures
It is not enough to simply train workers and then send them out to work. They should be constantly reminded about the safety protocol and should continue safety training, even after working in the field for many years. We remind our workers about the importance of safety every couple of weeks in our “Tool box talk,” where we bring up the topic of safety and embed it in our workers’ minds. We remind our workers about the need to wear hard hats and safety glasses and revisit the safety procedures to act upon in case of an accident.
We follow all of these precautions to make sure that our workers and your family are safe throughout the project, and that the end result is safe and comfortable to live in.
If you are interested in a safe and reliable company experienced in seamless gutters, decorative railings, and pool and patio screens in Central Florida, contact us today to get a free estimate.